The Future of Delivery with NZ Post.

The Future of Delivery with NZ Post.


Live Tracking for eCommerce parcels? The Future of Delivery in NZ with Chris Wong from NZ Post.



The Full Download Cover


This week we had such a great discussion with Chris Wong, General Manager Business Marketing at New Zealand Post. Chris joined our Shopify experts in our shiny new studio to break down some of the trends that have emerged out of the last 18 months in NZ when it comes to ecommerce and delivery.

Some of the main insights shared were around the main demographics moving online in NZ and some trends towards industries that are seeing the biggest amount of growth year on year.

Chris also gave us a little sneak peek into some of the new services that are on the way for businesses in NZ, including same day delivery services and more accurate parcel tracking. 

Further, Chris shared the relationship between NZ Post and Shopify and why he believes Shopify is the only answer for NZ merchants looking to get ahead. 

You can access the Full Download report mentioned by Chris here

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