Shopify NZ Facebook Group.

Exclusive Shopify Merchant Group for NZ.
As a Zyber client, get access to New Zealand’s largest and most resourceful Shopify merchant Facebook Group. Once you gain access to the private Facebook group you will be able discuss the Shopify platform in general, business tips, current and future trends, conversion formulas, apps and tools, updates, integrations, strategy, shipping and delivery, and so much more.
Managed by Zyber’s team of Shopify and eCommerce experts, the group facilitates discussion and helps Kiwi Shopify Merchants scale their online business. Many of our app and services partners are also part of the group, offering helpful advice when relevant.
If you’re a Shopify Merchant in NZ, why delay? Join the group and converse with other like-minded business owners in the Shopify NZ Facebook group.
*Please note if you are a partner wanting to join the Facebook group please contact first.