Improve Your CRO With Spently.

Improve Your CRO With Spently.

Harness the power of notification emails & drive repeat purchases straight to your Shopify store. 

At Zyber, we’re all about making every visitor to your Shopify store count. Simply put, we want you to have more sales – sounds good, right? To help you get just that, we’ve got some Shopify expert tools up our sleeve.

One of those tools is Spently, an email conversion application that takes your everyday emails next level by turning your standard notification emails into a strong, stand alone sales channel. 

Spently allows you to create automated email sequences, track analytics and ROI, and create effective follow-up email sequences using detailed data. And once set-up is complete, you can continue using the data to fine-tune your sequences and get your conversion rate optimisation (CRO) soaring. 

Focusing on improving CRO improves your overall profitability. With Spently, you can automate the entire process. Spently allows you to follow-up with your customers automatically after purchase and shipment, utilise abandoned carts to your advantage and personalise product recommendations. 

What was once your basic Shopify notification emails will become an automated, and seriously effective, sales channel. 

Ready to discover the untapped potential waiting for you with email sequencing?

Let’s explore how.

Notification / Transaction Emails

These emails are the automatic emails sent directly to your customers and include: 

  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Welcome messages
  • Confirmation of purchase
  • Shipping confirmation / details

Spently allows you to turn these standard notifications into conversion opportunities tailored specifically for your customer. 

Customising your emails for conversions with Spently is possible through a variety of ways:

  • Offering a discount on the next purchase
  • Offering free shipping
  • Cross-selling based on a purchase or wish-list
  • Addition of content features (we discuss this below)

Spently also has an easy drag and drop feature, allowing you to customise these emails with your own branding.

Use Content Features to Optimise Conversions

Spently enables you to use content features with high conversion performances within your transactional emails. Seamless integration makes it simple to set-up.

One this is running, it will dramatically impact your overall CRO performance (in the best way). 

Here are our top content feature recommendations: 

Add Product Recommendations

Leverage your existing captive audience to showcase different items with product recommendations. You can filter these for your customers based on Shopify collections like ‘best-selling’ or ‘newest’ products, or you can take advantage of unique feature collections provided by Spently. You can even personalise these recommendations for each customer (read more about this below). 

Show Order Status Tracking

Improve the click-through rate (CTR) by including a link directly to the tracking page in your confirmation or order status email. Emails that include order tracking links show double the click-through compared to emails that don’t and experience a 23% higher conversion rate. It’s a simple tweak with massive benefits. 

Grow Your Email List

It’s easy to ask your customers to subscribe to your ongoing newsletters and offers. Simply include a link to sign up in confirmation emails and highlight the benefits of signing up. After all, they’ve already purchased from you, so the chances of converting them to an email subscriber is quite high. 

Recover Abandoned Carts 

Abandoned carts are undeniably pesky. For many eCommerce merchants, they are the bane of existence. But, by using the right tools like Spently, these once abandoned carts can become converted customers. 

The open rates on abandoned cart emails are really high – sometimes up to 45%.

So, consider this, your customer added something to their cart but abandoned the purchase. They could have done this for one of three reasons:

  1. They forgot about it
  2. They didn’t find what they were looking for
  3. They wanted a discount or free shipping

Each of these three reasons can be easily addressed in an abandoned cart email. Particularly if you use a customer’s history to personalise the content and offerings. A tailored message (featuring a product and a discount code) resulted in a sale more than 30% of the time that the email was opened and the CTA clicked. 


This QALO example shows an effective abandoned cart email. Note the persuasive CTA to  ‘complete your order’, the $5 discount for next purchase and the personalised product suggestions.

The key to abandoned cart emails is recognising that an abandoned cart is a very warm lead. These people are almost at the bottom of your sales funnel, they’ve already expressed clear intent to buy your products. 

An abandoned cart is a pivotal opportunity to grab their hand and guide them through to the other side of purchase.

With Spently, you can easily create a customised abandoned cart email strategy, including a follow-up sequence showcasing your products to very warm leads. 

Personalised Product Recommendations

Personalisation is key in 2020. A 2015 study showed 75% of consumers want, and expect, their e-commerce shopping experience to be personalized, 45% of consumers are more likely to shop from sites that offer personalized recommendations, and another 56% are more likely to return to sites that offer personal suggestions for products.

There’s a lot of opportunity for conversions when it comes to personalised shopping. 

Personalised product recommendations with Spently help you provide this experience for customers. 

Other tools like Lime Spot app integrate with Spently to deliver personalised product recommendations. You can upsell and cross-sell based on collective user behaviours and matching personas – resulting in an overall better user experience, happier customers and mostly importantly higher conversions.  

Use Shopify Notification Emails as a Complete Sales Channel

Did you know order confirmation emails have an open rate of 70.9%? 

That’s 4x more than the average marketing email!

We consider Shopify notification emails as an entire sales channel in themselves. They can help improve your customers maximum lifetime-value (LTV) by fostering customer retention and loyalty. 

Once customers purchase an item, they immediately check their inbox to determine the success of their transaction. Using Spently, you can leverage this innate, automatic opening rate and tap into opportunities to upsell, discount, and gain feedback or referrals. 

One of the easiest ways to make a sale is to trigger a repeat purchase. Repeat purchases are low-hanging fruit. Customers who don’t just know your brand but have already spent money are likely to spend again. Creating a sales channel targeted specifically to their inbox is a great way to generate more sales.

Spently Integrates with Klaviyo. Klaviyo is hands-down one of the best email automation tools on the market. With great reporting, in-depth insights, and seamless integrations, combining Klaviyo and Spently is a no-brainer for Shopify merchants. 

Klaviyo handles newsletter sequences, sign-ups, and unique follow-ups, while Spently can be leveraged to focus on creating the detailed transaction emails, automatic follow-ups, and win-back emails.

Combining the two will have your automations, flows, and segmentations streamlined to achieve higher sales and greater returns. 

Want to read more about Klaviyo?

With impressive email segmentation and easy drag & drop flows, it’s worth checking out. Read more here.

Measure Data with Spently’s Analytics Dashboard

With Spently you can keep track of opens, clicks and ROI from the in-built analytics dashboard.

At Zyber we often say, “if you’re not using data, you’re snoozing on a goldmine”. 

Consistently measuring campaign performance is the key to optimising. Spently’s advanced analytics show real-time insights, allowing you to continuously refine and improve design and sequences to increase CRO.

Try Spently

Returning customers and abandoned carts win-backs are low-hanging fruit worth picking. Tap into their full potential with Spently – recommended by New Zealand’s leading Shopify experts. 

Take full advantage of standard notification emails by turning them into their very own sales channel of personalised sequences. 

Click here to get started with Spently now.